SOBO Tech Brings Augmented Reality to its Promotional T-shirts
By Dean Schwartz: This week, I’m in the T-shirt lounge (not an official name) of SOBO Concepts! And if you’ve been reading this blog at all, you’ve heard – over and over again – about SWAG 3.0. And trust me, we wouldn’t write about it this much if it wasn’t really worth your attention. It totally is. So how does this tie into t-shirts?
Well, in this week’s blog, I’ve programmed SWAG 3.0 into our SOBO Concepts branded t-shirt so that, when connected to the SWAG 3.0 app, it runs a pretty sweet video right on your phone, just by holding the phone over the t-shirt’s logo.
Seriously, it works that easily. If SWAG 3.0 and the name ’Augmented Reality’ have seemed like Greek to you, just watch this video. I mean it. Whatever you’re doing right now can wait a couple minutes – because, if you have your eye toward creating something memorable for your customers, you’ll want to watch this. Then, call us at 888.752.0432.
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