In the News: SOBO Concepts’ Dean Schwartz Nominated for Trendsetters Award

Trendsetter ArticleBy Dean Schwartz: I, like anyone else, have been called many things in my lifetime. But the one I’m most proud of is my job title – “SWAG Master.” And while I’m sure I’m not the only one out there with an inventive job title, I have a pretty good feeling that I’m the only person out there who introduces himself as the “SWAG Master” to potential clients.

Well, recently, the folks at the powerful industry publication, Wearables Magazine, validated my job title and more by nominating me for the magazine’s Trendsetters Awards. Cool, right?

I thought so, too.  And it reminded me of quite a few things, too. One, that my family and friends from childhood would have never imagined that my name and the word ‘trendsetter’ would wind up in the same sentence. And two, it reminded me that, time and time again, we’re doing big things and doing them well when it comes to providing custom promotional products for our brands.

In the article, they said that “household name brands turn to Dean Schwartz when they need creative imprint concepts. The President of SOBO Concepts has carved an especially lucrative niche in developing apparel for promotional campaigns that target Hispanic audiences.”

What a great compliment, right?

Sure, it’s a nice personal victory for me – a pat on the back, if you will. But for SOBO Concepts, it matters even more. Because from the start, we’ve committed ourselves to not only making our name synonymous with the term “SWAG,” but also with our ability to bring that SWAG to Hispanic audiences. As a result, we’ve had a chance to work with brands like Miller Lite, the NBA, AT&T, MasterCard and Univision, to name a few, and the list is growing quickly.

As the article quoted me as saying: “Our thing is: Let’s understand your target audience and come up with something they’re going to be really excited to wear.”

It’s so simple when it’s said out loud, but we’ve seen that it’s not as easy when translated into reality. At least, that’s what our clients tell us about past experiences.

So what do we provide? Well, the article goes on to say that we’re “Enthusiastic about a myriad of decorating options, and that we educate clients “about techniques that range from sublimation and reverse applique to all-over screen printing and chenille.”

Our experience is that providing that educational service is unique, although I’ve got to say that when they asked me to summarize the business, it felt good to give this answer, above all else.

“We like to have fun,” says Schwartz. “We do better with brands that let us go a little crazy.”

So if that’s you, well, that’s us, too. Call us today at 888.752.0432.

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