Custom Hiking and Outdoor Gear
By Dean Schwartz (SWAG Master): Hiking is more popular than ever. And why not? It’s invigorating to grab your outdoor gear, breath in the fresh air, and get your body moving. Hiking is a great way to connect with nature and experience the wonders our planet has to offer. Not to mention that observing all this natural beauty is a great way to unplug. Daily life can be hectic and going for a hike is a great way to destress all while staying active. While hiking is super popular, it is not the only outdoor activity that has been growing. Camping, backpacking, and rock climbing are all growing in popularity and each has its own unique draw.
But no matter what outdoor activity speaks to you, one thing is true across the board: you need to make sure you have the right gear! Of course, SOBO has got you covered. We have access to thousands of name brands and a wide array of private label clothing.
But wait, there’s more! Not only do we have access to some of the highest quality outdoor gear, but we can also customize your gear with your logo and branding. These customized products make a perfect addition to your SWAG lineup. Here are a few of our favorites.
Custom Hiking and Outdoor Gear

Warmth and moisture management meet in technical design for great comfort and versatility. This jacket is made from Polartec Powerstretch Pro fabrics, balancing movement, durability, and warmth. The single-handed adjustment is perfect when you’re in the thick of it, and the jacket stays put as you move.

A reliable duffel, big enough for all your gear. Features a large main compartment, an internal zippered document pocket and another zippered compartment which doubles as a pocket to stash the bag in. Comfortable, adjustable shoulder straps, carrying handles and lift handles provide plenty of carrying options. Perfect for fitness-related events, gifts for your on-the-go sales team, or any other traveler on your list.

Designed for urban use as well as excursions outdoors. This refined version features leather details and a padded computer sleeve suitable for most laptops. Choose from an assortment of different colors and customize with your company logo or brand. Makes for great employee gifts, event giveaways, or any other occasion where people need to carry stuff!
Time to get out there and enjoy the great outdoors! Give SOBO a call 888.752.0432 or email to get your custom hiking and outdoor gear today! And remember to always #SWAGwithStyle!
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