Top 3 Corporate Holiday SWAG Gifts (plus 50 other ideas)

Imagen 2By Dean Schwartz: Not sure if you were paying attention to it, or did everything you could to avoid it, but Halloween commercials and products started showing up in August this year. Yep, August. Hey, it never hurts to be ahead of the game, right? With that said, it should come as no surprise that we’ve compiled a list of items to get you fired up for end of the year holidays! Because while the rest of the world will be cramming to get some smart, SWAG-tastic holiday gifts in order, you’ll be coasting to a relaxing end of the year.

Of course, this list just includes our top 3 picks, but at the bottom of this article, we’ll link you to the complete list of holiday gift ideas to pick from.

7727105The San Diego Retro Tablet Bag – To be as honest as possible, most of the bags and totes that we see companies and organizations produce look pretty putrid. They’re awkward looking and the logo, like quick work often does, looks like it was thrown our printed on at the last minute. Well, the San Diego Retro Tablet Bag is anything but that, as it not only looks cool, but serves a necessary function as a tablet bag, too – that is of course if you leave the custom design cues up to our SWAG team at SOBO Customs. And when ordering quantities above 1,250, you can get them customized, stylized, and under $5.00 a piece.

7261301The 3-in-1 Retractable Charging Cable – “Ugh, where am I going to put all of these different electronic cords?” – You. Well, you won’t say that anymore – not after you get your hands on this customized retractable charging cable. The cool thing about this one is that it doesn’t create a mess, thanks to its retractability function. The three connectors include 30 pin and Lightning for Apple products and a micro USB, too. The colors are flexible, as are the applications of your logo, and you know it’s something that your employees will go crazy over. Go ahead and save one for yourself, too – you know it’ll be a headache saver.

7190864Light Puck – In a classic case of “I didn’t know I needed that until I saw it,” the hanging, 24 bulb LED fixture has either a hook or magnet to make it useable for a number of applications. Hate looking for your clothes in the morning? Problem solved. Don’t want to turn on all of the lights in the kitchen while grabbing a late night snack? Problem solved. Available in red, black or blue, the hanging light puck only needs the edge of SOBO styling to complete the look and make for a gift that your employees will use as often as they can.

As we said, these are just a few of our favs – an appetizer, if you will. To get a better look at all of our options, and to get you daydreaming of the SOBO SWAG difference, click HERE.

Next step? Pick up the phone and save yourself a lot of headaches later on. Call us at 888.752.0432 today!


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