Not all SWAG stores are created equal

Quick facts about creating
Company Stores

When do companies need their own SWAG store?

  • When they want to maintain a tighter control over the look and feel of merchandise being used for promotional, sales, marketing, employee recognition, uniforms, etc.
  • To quickly and easily distribute SWAG for events, promotions, trade shows and meetings..
  • To create an easy system for sending out gifts to potential customers or as a thank you after a deal has closed.
  • To easily send out new hire kits to employees, getting them excited about their first day.
  • To manage distribution or point of sale materials to multiple retail locations.

How does SOBO help each customer create an on-line company store?

  • We will design the store with each customer’s unique look and feel.
  • We make suggestions, based on our experience, as to what products to offer and at what price points.
  • We take care of all aspects of designing your products and will do everything possible to avoid a basic “logo-slap,” unless that’s what’s requested. 
  • Helping customers decide which products should be sourced overseas, domestically and which ones can be drop-shipped directly from suppliers to avoid warehousing fees.
  • Managing inventory and deciding when new inventory needs to be ordered.
  • Managing everything related to the ordering process and communicating directly with everyone who places an order.
  • Handing all aspects related to billing


If you think a company store is the solution you’ve been searching for, give us a call at 888.752.0432.

Fill in the form below to view our detailed presentation on how it works:



Get Your Swag On

We're your one-stop-shop for product and retail branding solutions. If you’re tired of having your logo slapped on unoriginal products, we can help! Our #1 job is to make you, our customers, look great.

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