Marijuana and Cannabis SWAG

b28c7116-405e-454e-abb5-49e08e820b66By Dean Schwartz: Marijuana and Cannabis have had a very public relationship with citizens of the United States in recent years, particularly since it’s made its way to ballots for legalization in numerous states. You could say these are high times for cannabis users, with 24 total states (including Washington D.C.) now offering some form of legal marijuana to its residents (typically for medical use). It is legal for recreational use in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington.

And for businesses and marketers, there couldn’t be a more appropriate time to create and deliver products to this large, very loyal demographic. The products that we’ve selected to show you are some of our favorites, but we have numerous others. Cannabis and marijuana SWAG is only going to keep growing (you could say that again), and the potential for both widely-liked giveaways, as well as retail products, will be something you’ll want to be involved in. Check out these favorites:

Custom Rolling Papers: No matter how you roll it, these custom rolling papers are a cool way to make a simple statement and strike up a conversation among peers. If you’re a marijuana-friendly brand, being associated with the relaxed, communal environment that comes with it could be a great type of name association for your brand, provided that it fits.0ca54287-a1c9-4736-8602-812d59e6fe37Premium Clip Lighter Leash: Branded custom promotional products meet a safe way to be involved in the cannabis game without being too overt about it. These keychain lighter leashes are designed to hold standard-sized Bic lighters, and clips the lighter right to your keychain so you’ll never lose it. It also features a 36-inch nylon retractable reel so that you never have to unclip it to use it. Plus, orders start at just $1.54 per piece and just a $25.00 set-up charge!
8e6e521e-c290-4ceb-bd3a-dc6f693dce15Blinking LED Dual Flame Lighter:
High-powered for high times! This custom LED lighter is another with crossover appeal – you don’t have to be a marijuana user or supporter in order to deliver some great marketing or branding opportunities for your business. It’s a metal, turbo dual flame lighter with blinking LED lights that surround your custom logo placement. This is a great giveaway for any business, as it’s a high-end product, but it’s particularly appropriate at conferences, conventions and events. Your logo will be right there to see in a whole new light!

Ready to take your promotional marketing efforts to new highs? Marijuana and cannabis SWAG are only going to grow in popularity. Be among the first to see the light. You can start your shopping HERE or call us today at 888.752.0432! Or click here for a more recent presentation of cannabis SWAG!main

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