Staff Picks: Custom Cell Phone Wallets
By Dean Schwartz: These days, smart phones do almost everything. They’re part phone, part computer, part MP3 player, part camera, clock and – you get the picture. The one thing they don’t do – yet, at least – is double as a place to put your ID and credit cards. And frankly, it’s a pain to keep them separate, especially since smart phones have us so accustomed to a ‘less is more’ lifestyle.
From a branding perspective, there’s another use – an almost permanent, roaming billboard that lives in your customers’ pocket. But are you struggling with how to make the best use of this precious space for the betterment of your business?
Fear not! Your SWAG experts at SOBO Customs have just the solution – custom cell phone wallets, that solve the couple cards plus a smart phone dilemma once and for all.
As is often the case with most of our SWAG, there is an endless potpourri of options from which to pick, and each with a wide variety of looks and feels, as well as uses, colors and customizable options.
Let’s start with the Smart Sleeve. It’s one of our most affordable options, and one of our most customizable, too. It’s made from plastic, lets you pick from the options that only come with 4-color process, and can hold up to five business cards and two credit cards, all in one case. Plus, minimum quantities of 500 bring the price down to $1.09 per piece, or just $0.79 per piece with orders of 5,000 or more.
Then, of course, there’s the Smartphone Wallet Mirror. It’s made of soft silicone, and features a small round mirror on the back of the device, while also holding 2-3 credit and/or ID cards. Imprint color options are numerous, and with minimum order quantities of just 100 ($1.79 each), you can see why this is such a popular option.
It’s time to get smart about smart phone covers! Stop carrying a wallet and a cell phone case. Make them live together in one smart case, CLICK HERE to check out these and other great options or call SOBO Concepts to get the SWAG ideas started today 888.752.0432.
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