SOBO Solutions Presents: Why A Company Store Could Be Your Game Changer Right Now
By Dean Schwartz (SWAG Master): Opening a company store equipped with desirable products all branded with your logo, or carefully chosen messaging, can be a potential “game changer” for any business at any time. If you happen to already operate a company store, and you’re wondering where that “game changing” element is supposed to come in, then chances are you’ll need to re-evaluate your execution.
Although the idea or concept of opening one may be simple, executing the operations side of a company store is decidedly not, which is why experts in the industry are required for success. That’s where SOBO comes in. Our Store Management Professionals will help implement, stock, and market your entire operation. A successful store can have immeasurable benefits for your brand not only due to the extra profit, or the added service you’ll be offering your customers and/or employees, but also because of the increasing visibility of your logo and overall brand awareness.
Now, you may be thinking: “now is NOT the time” or “maybe after things return to ‘normal'”, but the truth is you’ll never be set up for more success with your company store than you are in this moment. Keep reading below to find out some of the reasons why a company store is the right solution for your business right now..
How Can Opening a Company Store through SOBO Help My Business?
We’ll dive more into the details in the coming days and weeks, and even provide a helpful presentation, but first it’s important to remember the basics:
- Ordering goods online as opposed to venturing to your local Wal-Mart is safer and smarter than ever.
- Online ordering in the US and Canada has increased 56% alone.
- Online shopping revenue has increased 43% across the board.
- Certain products will be harder to deliver considering shortages and shipping restrictions, so ordering ahead of time and distributing them from SOBO’s domestic supply centers will simplify the process
- Gifting during this time will undoubtedly send stronger messages that you value your employees, and allowing them to pick their own gifts online gives them even more feelings of appreciation.
It’s not debatable that company stores and online ordering provide safer and more efficient ways for your employees to order the gifts and morale-boosters they need. And it’s also important to remember, as you look at these trends in consumer habits, that these habits we’re developing with e-commerce won’t just disappear after the pandemic subsides.
We have plenty more information where this came from, and we’re eager to get you started. Reach out to SOBO for more information by calling 888.752.0432 or emailing – or keep an eye on this space for more details. Together we’ll help take your business to the next level through the power of company stores and #SWAGwithStyle!
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