Case Study: Custom Mascot
By Dean Schwartz (SWAG Master): March Madness is upon us, and you know what that means… Mascots! Did you know that SOBO can design a custom mascot for your company or brand? We have designed a number of custom mascots in the past (check out this case study for Doodle Bugs). Today, let’s take a look at the latest custom mascot we designed for Johnston Farms.
Custom Mascot for Johnston Farms![Custom mascot]()
Johnston Farms in Edison, CA, near Bakersfield, is a fourth-generation family farming operation. According to Dennis Johnston, his grandfather, John C. Johnston, started farming potatoes in the Edison area of Kern County in 1947. In 1963, the family planted its first Navels. Navels are the largest-volume citrus item grown by Johnston Farms, but the company also grows various other citrus products.
Johnston Farms was buzzing with excitement preparing for their new BlueJay brand citrus carton. The new box depicts delicious citrus fruits with a beautiful bluejay prominently displayed. Johnston Farms will be launching the new box in the first week or two of March. But the plan is to eventually use the box for their entire citrus program.
And what better way to drum up even more excitement than creating a custom mascot! Bringing the bluejay to life reinforces the new brand while still being playful and fun. We added the custom branded skirt to give subtle branding, while at the same time, creating an attractive design. The picture below is great, but check out this quick clip to see it come to life!
If you are looking for a new and exciting way to give your brand some excitement, consider bringing it to life with a mascot. Give SOBO a call at 888.752.0432 or send us a note to get your custom mascot designed. And as always, SWAG with style!
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